First Fruits Friday - Empowerment

A Little Empowerment Can Go a Long Way!

One of our challenges at Seneca is serving our Spanish Speaking clients well. We do our best to offer resources and provide interpreters if possible, but sometimes we aren’t sure how much gets lost in translation. 


During the few months of quarantine when Seneca’s office was closed to the public, we kept in touch with our Spanish speaking clients over the phone and were able to provide them with diapers and wipes through Amazon delivery. When we had the chance to see them for the first time in months, we were thrilled. One client blessed us with the chance to see how far she had come in those few months of quarantine! 

Since the last time she had spoken with our Case Manager, the client and her family had paid off all of their debts, began saving, started a business out of her home, and bought a reliable car! 

The client shared that the encouragement and clear set goals she set in Case Management were exactly what she needed to make these changes! “The Case Manager told me I needed a car that wasn’t always breaking down, and now I have one!” 

This client is such a reminder that even when there are language barriers, prayers, love, and encouragement can be life changing!

We’re so proud of all of our clients and the ways they have improved their lives and reached their goals despite the challenges of COVID this year! 

As always, thank you for your prayers, support, and donations! They are truly moving mountains!

Christopher Snipes