First Fruits Friday - Twins Saved from Abortion

Babies saved from the brink of abortion. Double the blessings and twice the love!

Just about 10 weeks ago, these two babies were scheduled for an abortion.  But by the grace of God and the loving hands of Seneca Sidewalk Advocates, these babies’ mama accepted an offer for a free 8-week Ultrasound.  She saw the value of her babies’ lives, and she changed her mind and said Yes to Life!! As part of our Case Management program, we have the privilege to journey with mothers for up to two years after the birth of their baby or babies.  What an honor it is for us to see these babies at this point in their development because their mother has agreed to better her life, set goals, and accept the life affirming help we can give her. This is all thanks to our wonderful donors!  Never under estimate the power of love and where your donations are going when you give to Seneca.  Click here to make a donation today, or text senecasupport to 41444.

Don’t forget to sign up for this year’s 40 Days for Life Campaign, and join us in praying for more mamas and babies to be saved from abortion!

Christopher Snipes