Double the Blessings!

Sometimes, we do not know what happens after a woman chooses life on the Sidewalk. Other times, God blesses us with the chance to reconnect with her. This week, we had that chance. We are humbled that she has shared so much with us about her experience. 

After choosing life on the sidewalk on a Saturday morning, this mama headed into a whirlwind of a week caring for her little one year old at home. The week ended with her finally being able to get her free Ultrasound at Seneca. After such a whirlwind of a week,  the anticipation to see a little life growing inside of her was most certainly built up! After being nervous to take on motherhood again so soon, she patiently waited while her ultrasound scan was done. The ultrasound measurements went on for what felt like a long time, but when she was asked if she was ready to see, she excitedly said “I’m ready!” When the image flashed on the screen there wasn’t just one baby, there were TWO! She was shocked & became instantly even more nervous than before. She said she wanted pictures and just kept looking at them. She was happy to see TWO healthy heart beats that were so strong! After her appointment,  while talking with a Client Advocate, she expressed that she had lots of feelings and emotions, but felt more ready to do this. She even made a little beat of what she thought the heartbeat looked like. She was overjoyed to have the Client Advocate pray over her and her two new blessings. She is so excited to be part of Case Management and the Seneca Made Whole support group with other mamas. Thank you Lord, for working all the little details out for this big miracle!

Simultaneously to the time our client was receiving her free Ultrasound, a volunteer came to Seneca with a huge box of newborn items for twins!!  God shows up BIG time here at Seneca, with double the blessings!!  We have seen multiple sets of twins on our Ultrasound machine in the last year.  When we see this blessing, we wonder what message God is trying to send to us.  Could it be that he is replenishing the community with double the blessings as a way to counter the number of abortions taking place right across the parking lot?  Could it be that Our Lord is showing these mothers that they are being given twice the love that He has for them with these gifts?  We won’t know this side of Heaven, but what we do know is that this mama is overwhelmed, excited, and nervous all at the same time, wouldn’t you be?  Please pray for her and all our clients, including those who so desperately need healing from their choice for abortion that we know they regret. 

Amber Snipes