Diaper Dash Is Essential!
Amber Snipes, MS
The past few weeks have been full of uncertainty for everyone. Imagine if you were a pregnant mother, or the mother of very young children. Imagine you finally had a job you felt fulfilled in, to find out you were being furloughed due to the current pandemic. The mothers in our case management program have been in very difficult situations and this economic uncertainty has only added to their anxiety. After prayer and brainstorming, our Seneca leadership team responded just in the nick of time. Initially our case manager did an inventory of the supplies needed by the mother’s who are working toward self-sufficiency. For our clients, and pretty much all of us, prioritizing every dollar spent during this crisis is the most important thing to ensure security for the future.
On March 13th, 2020, Seneca’s doors were closed for quarantine. Our leadership team immediately began to find solutions for supporting our clients remotely. The team responded with continued Sidewalk Advocacy, as well as creatively supporting Case Management clients with ‘Zoom’ support group meetings, creating a ‘Google Voice’ number for phone call meetings, and by getting an inventory of our clients needs, such as diapers, wipes, formula, and baby wash, then ordering online and mailing supplies directly to our clients. The results were wonderful. Mothers felt reassured, and anxiety was lifted for all!
A few weeks later, when the Governor ordered a “shelter in place” for the safety of our state, Seneca’s leadership team responded in kind with another solution. A “Diaper Dash” was scheduled just hours before the order went into effect. Our Case Manager even got her teenagers on Spring Break to volunteer to gather supplies and prepare for the Diaper Dash!! In just one hour, 15 clients were served. Over 30 packages of wipes and approximately 1000 diapers were distributed to our hard working mamas!!
In light of Seneca following the socially responsible requests from our government, we remain at minimal operations. However, the abortion facility utilizes the crisis climate to further their business plan for making money off women in difficult situations. For the past 4 weeks, It has been business as usual next door. Despite the Governor asking for a halt to elective procedures, the abortion facility continued to perform surgical and chemical abortions on Saturdays March 14, 21, 28, and April 4th. In these four weeks, over 100 unborn babies died and over 100 mothers will now live with a lifetime of regret as well as the post-traumatic experience of ending the life of their baby.
To date, our community has shown positive results for COVID-19 with 94 confirmed cases and 1 confirmed death in Muscogee county. Unfortunately, the abortion business killed over 100 babies right here in our community, in just the last four weeks but we accept this under the guise of “choice”. What is so confusing though, if it’s a choice...then why is it considered “essential”? Why are businesses, restaurants, and especially our churches forced to lock their doors, but the abortion facilities can remain open?
Friends, we are seeing the true colors of the abortion industry in this crisis. Everyday, a car is parked next door to ensure that the following Saturday another 25 women will show up to produce another $16,000- $20,000 profit in one day. They say to women, “let us help you, we can get rid of it”. Abortion is not healthcare, abortion is not essential, abortion is not a “choice”. It’s a trap where a woman feels she has no other choice.
No one has said it better than Frederica Matthewes-Green when she stated:
“No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone...she wants an abortion as an animal, caught in a trap, wants to gnaw off it’s own leg.”
As people of hope and life, we must learn from this. We must see the veil has been lifted.
Abortion = money. That is why the abortion industry works so hard to fight, legislate, convince themselves, convince the medical world, and convince regular Americans that abortion is essential. They are protecting their bottom line, money.
Here at Seneca, we see the truth. Women don’t need abortion. Women need support. They need real help with real solutions. We say to women,
“You can do it!! You are not alone.”
We do it together, just like in the Diaper Dash!!
Sweet baby Gavin is so thankful for the diapers!!