Living Hope...postponed or right on time?

Around the same time Seneca’s Board of Directors made the decision to postpone our Living Hope Gala we discovered that Christina Bennett (keynote speaker) just accepted the most amazing surprise of her life!!

Christina and her husband were chosen out of 15 families to be pre-adoptive parents to a beautiful baby boy! What a blessing for this woman after speaking on behalf of the unborn and desiring to become a mother for so many years. Our inconvenience of postponing our Gala was likely one of the best opportunities of Christina’s life. God works in mysterious ways. It seems like this was His plan all along. We will be seeing Christina this fall for our highly anticipated Living Hope Gala. But this time, Christina will be speaking from a whole different perspective…one of motherhood! Let us all pray for Christina and her husband to embrace every moment of precious time with this baby!

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Surprise Blessing!

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