First Fruits Friday- Where there is Life, there is HOPE

At Seneca, we have privilege of meeting women in some of the most pivotal moments of their lives. It is an honor to see God work in their hearts and lives. Not every story is easy to hear, but God has blessed Seneca with compassionate staff and volunteers who are not afraid to sit with clients through both their joy and their pain. Here is what our sonogropher had to say about a client who impacted her:


Having the blessing of being the sonographer at Seneca has allowed me to witness so many innocent lives. I have connected with several mothers who were at the time facing a crisis pregnancy, and I’ve had the privilege of watching them heal and grow through using the valuable resources that Seneca has to offer. While each story is special in its own way, there is one mother who sticks out to me when I think of lives being spared.

This mother had all of the odds stacked against her, and still made the very brave decision to choose life. She was a single mother of one little boy already, was in-between jobs, and was a recent victim of rape. Her worries led her to schedule an appointment at the local abortion facility. When she went back for her ultrasound, they told her she was 9 weeks along. They said they never get dates wrong. The patient left the facility without getting an abortion because she felt like 9 weeks was not correct. It had been longer than that since she was raped.

She immediately came to us for her free ultrasound, where I confirmed she was actually a little over 11 weeks along.

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That day, she saw her baby wiggling around and waving. She saw the heart beating, and realized this baby was not a “ball of tissue” as the abortion facility had made it seem. This is when it became real to her. The baby was the product of rape, but she did not care anymore because she saw the life in her womb and knew what she had to do. Choosing life that morning on the sidewalk did not automatically make her problems go away. In fact, the process of healing and growing is never that quick. But now, she has a new bundle of joy to go through this journey with! Her little boy has a baby sister! She has even more of a reason to care for herself. 

By choosing to continue the pregnancy, she did save a life. She made the choice to not stop a beating heart. When looking at the bigger picture, though, I wholeheartedly believe this baby saved her.

Amber Snipes