First Fruits Friday - Faith

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

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At Seneca, it is our prayer that God would use us as He chooses to offer peace and guidance to His children. Read on to see how God used Seneca as a ‘stepping stone’ for one brave mama:

“Seneca was my biggest stepping stone.

About two months ago, I found out that I was pregnant. I was sleeping in my car, as my lease had run out. The father of the baby was not supportive of me keeping this child. I had nowhere to go. I ended up with a family member who told me about Seneca. I was in a fragile state.

Seneca was the biggest stepping stone in my decision to keep this baby and to keep on going forward.

Being in that no shame environment, so calming, was the confirmation that I needed. I did not know how many resources were out there. There were people willing to listen to me. They brought in Jesus.

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Spiritually, I started to realize that God is telling me something. He said, "I am going to take this away from you because you deserve something better. " I am starting to meditate, to read, to talk to HIM. Every time I think I am at the bottom, I say to myself, well I have been trying to do this by myself. I know now that I need God more than anything else. I will listen to HIM now. I hear HIM out.  

Emotionally, I am now happy about this child. I can feel him move. The father called me out of the blue and said that he is willing to be a part of the child's life. My Mom was angry at me at first for becoming pregnant, but now she sees that I am trying, and she said that she will be there for me.

Now the right people and the right situations are being placed in front of me. I was falling short on my money - a friend called and asked for me to do some office work. I just graduated from phlebotomy school, and if I can get a scholarship or sponsor, I would like to become a certified medical assistant.

At Seneca, there were signs for me to be there. Everyone was  concerned about my personal well being. Seneca gave me the support I needed. Now, I am going on faith instead of stressing out.”

Christopher Snipes