First Fruits Friday - Meant To Be

Sometimes, in the midst of chaos, fear, and uncertainty, only God knows what is in our hearts. He calls us to come to Him in these moments. What a blessing it is when our brave clients share how God has transformed their lives and shown them that they are NOT alone! One Client recently shared:

“Seneca helped me. I had planned to have an abortion. My husband knew it wasn't his child, and he wanted me to have an abortion. We came to Seneca for a free ultrasound. When I saw my baby on the screen, I knew I couldn't abort him.

My son is meant to be in this world -- I can't change that! 

He's my blessing. 

I needed him in my life. 

He has impacted my life. 

He has taught me how to nurture and be a good person. 

He's everything to me. 

I'm glad I picked my son over everything and everyone. 

I even told my friend not to get an abortion. 

God has been there for me, even though this year has been hard.”

We are blessed to serve women in the midst of situations like these. Situations that are difficult, imperfect, and confusing. We know that the only way for their lives to be transformed is through the love of Christ. This story, and the adorable smiling face of this child would not be possible without constant prayers and support from our community. Text: “senecasupport”  to 41444 to donate.

Are you or someone you know experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? You are NOT alone. Call us at 706-992-6700.

 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Amber Snipes