First Fruits Friday - Marriage and More


The thief comes only to steal, slaughter, and destroy. I’ve come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Seneca, Choices for Life stands for life - the abundant life that Jesus promises. With that in mind, we work with our Case Management Clients on a holistic level, reviewing finances, setting goals, career exploration, continuing education, and more. 

Our Clients are also encouraged to review their relationships, and set a foundation that will last a lifetime. This means spending time having hard conversations about relationships. Case Management Sessions, as well as our Made Whole Mother Support Group, are safe places for clients to evaluate how healthy their relationships are, and  learn how to grow strong and loving relationships with everyone in their lives.  

One of our dear clients recently went through some major transformations. She put in so much time, effort, and prayers into accomplishing her goals. Not only did she give birth to a new baby boy, she received her citizenship, bought a house, and married the father of her children!

We are so proud of this young Mom who has shown that with God, all things are possible! Christ is truly pouring out His abundance in her life, and we are humbled to walk alongside her on this journey. 

Christopher Snipes