First Fruits Friday - Joyful in Hope

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Please join Seneca, Choices for Life at the virtual Living Hope Gala 2020!

Tonight, Seneca will premiere our long awaited Living Hope Virtual Gala. It will be a way to celebrate what God has done in the last 18 months despite a pandemic and look forward to how He will continue to heal and save lives going forward. Here’s what our Executive Director is reflecting on today:

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Every week, we witness the lives of unborn babies who are embarking on their final hours on earth.  With Seneca being uniquely located next door to the local abortion facility, we offer mothers the final option to choose life for their children.  

In 2020, we have witnessed an increased fear of pregnancy unlike any other time.  The COVID 19 crisis has brought more fear and uncertainty to an already scary situation-- an unplanned pregnancy. 

During our recent 40 Days for Life on-site prayer, fasting, and public witness campaign, we experienced 8 mothers who were abortion bound change their minds.  I’m am humbled to say that one of these mothers miraculously changed her mind AFTER taking the abortion pill.  This process is called the Abortion Pill Reversal (or APR).  This mother came on two separate occasions to the abortion facility.  On each occasion, she was met with love and hope in the darkest moment in her life.  However, the pressures of the world overcame her, and she turned down our offer for immediate and long term help.

But thankfully, when this mother encountered Seneca and arrived for her second abortion appointment, the community was storming the heavens, and she encountered the love of Christ during one of the most powerful times of the year, 40 Days for Life

After having a conversation with our advocates outside after her abortion, she felt the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.  She knew that ending the life of her unborn baby, regardless of the awful circumstances that surrounded her life at this moment, was not what she wanted.  She left with a bit of hope amidst the darkness. The idea of reversing this abortion pill procedure was planted in her mind.  Prayer for healing is truly what changed her heart.

A few days later, this mom called the 24-hour hotline and was welcomed with love and grace.  She completed an assessment and was introduced to our Medical Director who prescribed her the life-saving medication Progesterone.  Unfortunately for this mom, her abortion cost over $1,000, so she had zero funds available to pay for the Progesterone to save her baby’s life.  

Seneca stepped in, and through the help of our Volunteer Outreach Coordinator who physically arrived at the pharmacy over an hour away from Seneca, and paid for the prescription that could save her unborn child’s life.

Days later, after consistently taking the Progesterone, the mother got confirmation the baby still has a heartbeat.  At this time, this baby’s health is still touch and go, but he or she is fighting every day to stay alive, and the Progesterone is working!!

In today’s abortion business, the abortion pill is the primary course of treatment.  So, when we share the love of Christ’s mercy, even after the abortion appointment, hearts and minds can change and babies can literally be rescued from the brink of death.  

Your support of our Living Hope Virtual Gala has the potential to save more babies like this one who was hours away from starving to death.  For you, we are so thankful!! Please continue to pray for healing and hope for all mothers!!

Christopher Snipes