First Fruits Friday- Thankful

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Here at Seneca, we are so thankful for all of the Pro Life ministries that exist to help women in crisis. Within our own community we are blessed to have two amazing ministries to offer hope to mothers either vulnerable to abortion, thinking about abortion, or determined to get an abortion: Sound Choices and Seneca, Choices for Life. We have the privilege of working with other pregnancy centers near and far, as well as maternity homes, churches, hotlines and other agencies nationwide who generously partner with us to save lives.

 Recently, a client came in for an ultrasound on a Saturday who was referred by LoveLine - a 24/7 hotline for women in unplanned pregnancies started by former Planned Parenthood Employee, Abby Johnson, the real woman behind the story in the Unplanned movie and book.  The referral was made on a Friday night at 10pm, and our volunteers saw the SOS call on social media. Knowing Seneca services were available on Saturday, we were the immediate solution to counter this mother’s abortion appointment.

 This client was conflicted, overwhelmed and nervous. She and her partner had only known each other for a short time. Even though the client had a good job and a support system, she was given the vague message by the father that he would support any decision she made.

 Frankly speaking, this message is incredibly confusing. When a mother is faced with an unplanned pregnancy and considering the option of abortion, it is a life and death situation. Friends, partners, and family members may think that by saying they will “support her in her decision” is helpful. It may even feel like the most generous response one can make. But truthfully, it is NOT. It simply abdicates all responsibility and puts MORE pressure on the mother of the child. Even when it comes from well meaning individuals, women need and deserve more than this non-committal type response. 

Luckily, this client continued to seek support. She searched the internet and found LoveLine, a safe place to discuss all of her options. After speaking with a counselor, she was referred to Seneca for a free ultrasound. Even after the ultrasound and speaking with our advocate, the client left undecided.

The client called back her counselor at LoveLine and we received a message from Abby Johnson. "The client texted me and said she left Seneca and did not go to her abortion appointment she had scheduled for Saturday in Atlanta."

Thanksgiving CLient

Today, this client is in Case Management at Seneca and is on her path to reaching her goals and preparing for parenthood. This is what she had to say: 

"I was terrified when I found out that I was pregnant. I was discouraged. I wanted to be married before I became pregnant. I wanted my life planned out. I did not live up to my own expectations. Now, I am attached to the baby, and I am excited to meet my baby and to be the best mom I can be. I can feel him move. He is so active. Now, my first priority is staying close to God and preparing for my baby's birth." 

This group effort by LoveLine and Seneca saved a child's life and gave a woman a chance at knowing and loving her son. As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, we are so thankful for all of the Pro Life ministries who show true generosity to women and help them through some of the most difficult times of their lives by sharing real, honest, and encouraging options. 

 Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy? Call Seneca at 706-992-6700 or Call or text LoveLine at 888.550.1588

Feeling generous? Consider celebrating Thanksgiving by donating to Seneca and truly supporting women in unplanned pregnancies.