First Fruits Friday - What's in a Name

"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold." Proverbs 22:1

Seneca, Choices for Life offers healing for women who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion. This service is not only for our clients. Many of us who serve in this ministry have suffered through some of the above. One of our team members recently took another step in her healing journey:

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When speaking with our healing minister, I opened up about my own miscarriage. To me, it was no big deal. One in roughly three pregnancies may result in miscarriage. Many times, the woman does not even know that she is pregnant. When you think about it, doesn't that make a baby's life even more of a miracle???

The minister asked me if I had ever dealt with my miscarriage. I had not. I didn't even know if the child was a boy or a girl. She guided me in speaking with my son and asking him what gender he thought his sibling might be and giving him/her a name. Some nights later in the quiet of the late evening, I told my son what our minister had said, and I asked him to pray about it. He came back after a short time and said that he believed he had a big sister. In my heart, I knew that was true. I told him that we needed to give her a name. First, he replied quickly with his middle name. I said, “no I would not do that. I would not give her the same name as I had given you.” Names are important. Names are unique.”

After a period of silence, he said, “I know her name; my sister's name is Sierra.” (like Sierra's Boutique where we serve clients here at Seneca). I smiled and said, “yes, I agree, Sierra is the rightful name of your sister.”

Up to that point, I had never known her name, but my spirit confirmed it. He went on to say that he would have been her irritating younger brother, and she would have constantly been telling him to get out of her room. I laughed as I knew my house would have been full of that type of noise. I lamented a bit because of the silent moments that had been our reality for so long.

After naming her, my son lept out of bed with joy in his step and said good night. I laid there thinking about Sierra. 

At the 40 Days for Life Remembrance Service on Friday, Oct. 16th, a boy on a bike stopped to listen to the songs being sung. I asked him if he prayed. He said yes. I explained to him what the service was about. I asked him, "Will you pray for the baby I lost? Her name is Sierra." At that moment, he dropped his bike, sat on the curb and prayed. What a precious site!

Another young man approached wondering what we were singing about. After explaining what the service was about, I told him about Sierra. When he turned away to leave, he suddenly turned back. He said, "I will pray for your Sierra." Tears came to my eyes. My baby had just been named, but already two young men whom I didn't know were praying for my baby girl.

When I shared with our healing minister all that had transpired, she stated, "Giving a name to a precious life is important. God created this life. It is right for your child to be honored."

So this post is written in honor of you, my precious baby girl, SIERRA. You finally have your name. Looking forward to meeting you in heaven!

Love, Mom

After a period of silence, he said, “I know her name; my sister's name is Sierra.” (like Sierra's Boutique where we serve clients here at Seneca). I smiled and said, “yes, I agree, Sierra is the rightful name of your sister.”

Christopher Snipes