First Fruits Friday - Teamwork

Seneca Choices for Life is one of many teams in our community which seeks to build up and enable women to accept the great responsibility of motherhood.  Many of our mothers are often the sole provider for the family. Accepting this sacred challenge takes a lot of support. God provides this support through His people because we live in a community of believers who compassionately care for the least of these!  The unique relationships created are a balance of accountability and mentorship. The churches and ministries that stem from congregations have earned a great reputation worldwide as loving and generous to those within the congregations and those who are in need.  The many organizations in our community have the chance to create and a great community of servant leaders who provide free or inexpensive health, education, and material assistance to those who may be falling on hard times.  To be the hands and feet of Christ to those in need creates teamwork!  Our team at Seneca strives to do our best - especially to support the unborn and their moms in their time of need. 

Also, it takes each organization and ministry networking in a vital way to be the safety net to families in need and together we can offer even more resources to make a difference and grow a culture of life and hope!  Seneca receives many of our clients through referrals just as we direct our clients to medical, and technical training for better employment, job fairs, career centers, and resource ministries. Seneca seeks to be a vital partner in our community through retaining a working relationship with these great community organizations. 

Our 95 moms receive approx 20 referrals in a month to many different ministries and community organizations who, like Seneca, seek to build up their lives as they grow toward self-sufficiency. It takes a community to attain that level of care for the Seneca moms. Thank you for supporting Seneca in maintaining a fierce commitment to the lives of children and true women’s health care. This teamwork plays an indispensable role in our community’s support for life.