First Fruits Friday - The Value of Life

How do we show value for human life? On the quality of resources or the projected success of labor?  Some say if a baby has a disability, or is born into illegitimacy or poverty, they have a right to end that precious life. That is a misguided set of criteria for making a decision with such eternal impact! In our limited human understanding, we have a tendency to look through a prism of finite thinking - we cannot know for certain of our next breath let alone the future - or the great contribution that one life has to give our generation. In our mere humanness, we are not capable of truly understanding the consequences of that decision.

God evaluates man on His terms, and His plans are so much greater! God gave humanity dominion over the earth.

Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, over the creatures that move along the ground.’”

What a gift it is for us human beings to be given such authority! God gave man a position a little lower than the angels. This is a humbling reality. Our decisions and choices do have eternal consequences and rewards. 

The value of every human life is infinite. We are so blessed to be part of a ministry that changes culture in that we truly do value every human life, no matter the location (inside or outside the womb) nor do we place value on lives based on age, race, or abilities.  All lives have inherent value, dignity and worth.

Because of the amazing team of ministry partners who are key stakeholders such as donors, prayer partners, volunteers, staff, and Board members, Seneca has been able to impact many lives for an eternal impact!

Our mission at Seneca is to Create a culture where the beauty of life is celebrated through hope, help, and healing in Christ.  Just since July of 2024, we have offered HOPE to mother’s arriving next door for abortions and 11 babies have been given a second chance at LIFE!  We have offered HELP with 317 services to the 94 mothers in our Case Management program. We hosted a baby shower with the support of the Church of the Highlands, and hosted 3 support groups in Spanish and English. Additionally, we have given away 2,829 essential items from our Boutique to families in need. Finally we have offered HEALING through our Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat to 2 participants in need of healing from the loss of a baby through abortion, stillbirth, or miscarriage.  None of this would be possible without the amazing support of our Seneca family!  Thank you for being a part of building of culture of HOPE and LIFE!!

Christopher Snipes