First Fruits Friday - Healthy Emotions

People process grief in many ways and all ways must be fully honored. It takes an emotionally healthy person/environment to let people express and process those emotions in healthy ways. Grief over life’s difficult decisions generates many hard emotions. It is sometimes like a raging storm that will never end.  Processing through them is tricky as it is not healthy to stuff them regularly and it is not healthy to deflect them on someone else in anger.

Seneca representatives experience many different expressions of grief daily, and moms must navigate these storms. All of us are seeking resolution and healing from the horror of abortion. There is no other basis for peace, freedom, and forgiveness than Jesus. Truly, only Jesus helps that process and women need time and guidance to help them heal. Women find healing through God’s love, the Scriptures, and the many testimonies of women who have found that healing.

Psalms 89:9 You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them!

Because of your generous long-term commitment to help, pray, and support, Seneca is a place of peace. And we can offer to be a place for long-term support to come and work out these hard emotions. In so many clients’ feedback, they share that the moment they come through the door it is noticeably different, the Spirit of God is active and noticeably present at Seneca.

Christopher Snipes