First Fruits Friday - Thank YOU!
Last week we were blessed to present Seneca’s Annual Gala celebrating our 10-year anniversary of our commitment to love and service by walking with women and standing in the gap for women and their unborn babies. We believe that women need hope, help, and healing before, during, and after pregnancy. The support from the community of believers has been incredibly uplifting for our team at Seneca. The presence of the prayer partners during this campaign for 40 Days for Life has been an inspiration as well! We are eternally grateful to those of you who attended our Gala and are joining us for prayer on the frontlines.
It is because of the relationships that have been formed in and through Seneca’s ministry over the last ten years that women and babies benefit daily. In the month of August the support from community members who donated their baby items for our Boutique blessed families in our community with 1,170 items including diapers, clothes, formula, equipment for their babies, but more importantly 20 women received the support needed to carry on with their pregnancies through our Made Whole and Unconditional Friendship support groups.
By your support of Seneca, you are an extension of Christ. You become His hands and feet when you come to pray with us, when you tithe to this ministry, when you donate baby items, and when you volunteer in any capacity. The purpose of this is to bring the body of Christ together as givers and receivers so that all will be blessed!
We are called to love each other, no matter if we agree or disagree. In this time of polarization and division, please pray fervently for Seneca’s ministry as we encounter those who mock and jeer at the support we offer to women and children. We may not agree with others who have a different ideology or philosophy, but we do love them.
What is the one thing that speaks of the reality of our faith to the lost world? Loving relationships!
John 13:35 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
It is the one thing that truly connects us together. Let us look beyond our differences and see the value of each human life for each and every one of us are made in the image and likeness of our Creator, Jesus Christ!