First Fruits Friday - You Will Know Them By Their Fruits
This past week on the front lines of the fight against the abortion facility was very spiritually draining. The ongoing spiritual battle was intensified to a new level. The abortion workers have changed their game to become even more hostile, as well as going to new lengths to secure these women into the abortion facility. It is becoming more difficult each abortion day to reach these moms in the small window of time we are given.
Many of them curse at us while others just pretend we are not even there. This can be hard on your spirit as you encounter this evil over and over again. Even through all of the warfare, we as children of Christ are called to be peacemakers. This can be difficult to do when you are so passionate about your cause, however, we are not called to take part in the hurt, but to restore hope and faith.
Being spiritually tired, I knew I needed to get to church on Wednesday night to be fed and to become spiritually re-energized. Satan also knew I needed this. Therefore, he tried to intervene and keep me away from the service. He did this through my grandbaby who I do not get to see as often as I would like. My stepson called to say that he was bringing her over to visit for a bit - right as I was getting ready to head to church. Immediately, I was torn between staying home to get in as much time as I could with my grandbaby or going to church to worship my king. I came close to surrendering and just saying, “Nah, I will just go next week, I won’t really be missing anything,” but man am I glad I did not. I spent a few minutes with my grandbaby then went on to church.
God knew, as always, exactly what my spirit needed. From the moment I walked in the church doors the Lord was speaking to me. I was turning my Bible to the scripture for the sermon before service started and while doing so I landed on Matthew 7:15. This is the scripture that talks about how you will know people by the fruit they produce. This really spoke to me in that moment, and it made me think, “What kind of fruit are you producing as a Child of God?” There is good fruit and then there is evil fruit. Good trees can not produce evil fruit and evil trees can not produce good fruit. We as Christians should only produce good fruit in our walk with the Lord. In following him we should have willing hearts, and to always surrender to, where he leads us.
The abortion industry is a tree that produces only evil fruit. This being true, we as trees of good fruit have to take a stand, and be willing to get out of our comfort zones, to advocate for the mothers and their unborn children. In last night's sermon on the Beatitudes, we were taught what it means to be a peacemaker: We can not bring peace until we know the creator of peace. As Christians, we know who created peace. However, these abortion workers and many of these women may not. That is why it is so important for us to be willing to serve and give of ourselves on the frontlines of the fight against abortion - that we may bring peace to a world in need.
Will you be a peacemaker? Join us for Seneca Saves!! It’s a six-week virtual fundraiser that will lead into the Prayer & Action portion of our mission as we host 40 Days for Life!!