First Fruits Friday - 40 Days of Miracles
I have only been with Seneca for a short time, but in that time I have seen many miracles of God. This usually happens on the days that I may be a bit discouraged or burnt out. I look up to the heavens and I pray and ask God to work in me, and through me, to reach the women who will arrive for appointments at the abortion facility that day. I have witnessed multiple babies' lives spared during my time on the sidewalk and even had a few interactions with abortion workers and abortion facility escorts.
At the beginning of this 40 Days For Life campaign, the hostility from the abortion industry began to greatly increase. It was at this point that the abortion facility began recruiting escorts for their side. These escorts have come from all different cultures and walks of life, yet they are united in their mission to support a woman’s right to choose. These escorts have attempted to put their hands on Seneca’s staff and volunteers and they have jumped in front of us to block us from approaching vehicles. They have tried drowning us out by making obscene noises, using profanity, calling us liars, and singing random songs such as Christmas carols at the top of their lungs. One escort even screamed as if they were being harmed in an attempt to interfere with a woman hearing us.
Despite all of these efforts and more from the abortion industry, we still remain strong in the pro-life community. During this campaign alone, we celebrate today the lives of 53 babies who were spared from abortion. I would say that is a reason to celebrate, wouldn’t you? Just yesterday we had a mom who came for an abortion and we were able to detour her from the chaos of the abortion escorts, and talk with her and her boyfriend about the reality of her choice for abortion, and about what we had to offer in the mobile clinic and at Seneca. This, all the while escorts yelled at her across the parking lot, harassing her for talking to us. Despite their desperate attempts to get to her, she and her boyfriend went on to the mobile clinic and when it was all said and done, they chose life!
Another woman came to make an abortion appointment. At this time there were no escorts left. However, she still was unsure where to go. I got the opportunity to talk with her and share with her the reality of what would happen to her if she made this appointment and went through with the abortion. I shared the good, the bad, and the ugly and also shared with her about the mobile clinic and the ministry of Seneca. After hearing me out, she was very put off by what she heard about the truth of what goes on inside the abortion facility, as well as the reality of what happens many times when women take this abortion pill. She said she needed to talk it over with her husband. After getting in the car to talk to him, they drove away and did not make the appointment.
Both of these situations yesterday as well as many others throughout this campaign and before, the devil has been shut down and the mouth of the lion has been shut, thanks to the amazing miracle working power of The Holy Spirit working in and through each one of us.
In closing, I want to say God is on the move and he is going to shut Columbus Women’s Health Organization down and one day abortion will end in America! When that glorious day happens, our community will be blessed beyond measure and we will remain a culture of hope and life in Christ Jesus! With our supporters, prayer partners, advocates, and fellow Christians by our side, Seneca’s ministry of being the hands and feet of Christ will continue and expand into offering more hope, help, and healing! We simply have to keep our eyes on Christ and stay in the spirit! God bless you all and thank you for your commitment and sacrifice.