First Fruits Friday - Following God's Call
Last week, I received a call from a Pastor. He is part of the Hispanic Pastors group. I went to talk to them in their September monthly meeting to invite them to our 40 Days for Life Campaign. He called me because he felt that God was calling him to preach against abortion. He asked me if he could visit Seneca and he came the next day.
He said that he felt in his heart to preach about this matter and he had come across some news on the same subject. A fellow Pastor from Ohio even called him that week to pray about it because of the recent law that was passed in that state. The Pastor said he had preached for over 30 years and had never preached about the sin of abortion. I offered to talk during his service so I could share what Seneca is doing and what is happening next door at the abortion facility. He was excited about it.
On Sunday I went and I was amazed how the Pastor prepared himself for the message. He talked about abortion, types of abortion, national statistics and recent laws. He also said he will preach about it two Sundays because he wanted to talk about it all. In that church, usually the youth group meets aside during the message, but he requested the youth to stay and listen to this message.
After he finished his sermon he prayed for forgiveness; he prayed that God forgive us for the sin of abortion; he prayed that God forgive those who approved the laws for abortion, that God forgive the doctors that perform abortions, that God forgive the women that have had abortions and the men that had pressured women to have abortions; he prayed for forgiveness for all of us who have not done enough to spread this message and help to those who are on the front lines battling this sin. He prayed that we can start today and do HIS work on this issue and to help organizations like Seneca continue their mission.
After the service, several members of the congregation approached me and asked for my card because they wanted to get involved. They offered to volunteer and even have an annual food sale activity to raise funds for Seneca.
I felt very humble to be part of that service. The forgiveness prayer was a very powerful moment and I know God heard it and was very pleased.
May God allow us to hear His call to action against abortion. Every little effort He sees it, and He is Glorified, by it!