First Fruits Friday - Commemoration of Roe, Now What?
Nearly every Saturday in Columbus, GA an abortionist drives to town to take the innocent lives of babies by creating a hostile environment within their mothers’ womb. We call these “abortion days.” In my 6 years as the Executive Director, I personally have witnessed over 6,000 abortions in process next door to Seneca. Abortion days are filled with sadness and heartbreak, but we are people of faith in Jesus Christ. In that faith we know that if we (as in the body of Christ) show up as His hands and feet, we will witness miracles! These tragic abortion days are also filled with hopeful anticipation of the miracles we know He will provide in our midst if we are faithful and patient.
This past weekend was the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. On Saturday, many faithful gathered across the country to show unity and march for life. This kind of demonstration is needed to promote the cause for life. We appreciate the efforts it takes to gather the faithful on this important day to commemorate Roe. We should never forget the day our country allowed innocent lives to be taken from their mothers’ wombs with the greatest tragedy of our times. January 22, 1973 will be forever remembered as a day when one of humanity’s most tragic decisions was made. It is a day of infamy which legalized the killing of innocent unborn babies. An evil travesty like this must never be repeated in our great nation again.
As a result of this horrific judicial tyranny, many pro-life organizations came into existence. Some were governmental, political, and policy driven. Some were focused on the spiritual. Some banded together to support mothers. Additional groups formed to offer women free pre- & post-natal medical care. All of these are needed. All are important. To those who joined the March for Life in Columbus, or across the river in Alabama, or Washington D.C., or anywhere, we commend you! Thank you for standing for Life in the cultural chasm to show our politicians we need change! Here’s your next opportunity: Come join us for peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding outreach at Seneca. We are hosting 40 Days for Life this Spring. It starts on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22nd, and runs through April 2nd.
To peacefully and prayerfully assemble the faithful along the roadway of the abortion facility not only raises awareness that Roe being overturned has not yet brought an end to abortion in our community, but this spiritual support for the frontline warriors, our Sidewalk Advocates, brings affirmation and encouragement. You would not believe me if I told you all the stories of how Satan attempts to distract, destroy, and divide this battling ministry. Yet, they are real and vivid and ongoing. Happily, though,I can go on for hours recounting how God has used Satan’s evil ways and turned them to good purpose!
I implore you to join us for this 40 Days for Life prayer campaign. We need YOU! As Christ journeyed to the desert to retreat in prayer in preparation for His crucifixion, we are asking you to retreat in preparation for the days when these babies will be taken heartlessly from their mothers’ wombs. The awesome power of the Holy Spirit comes through folks just like you who set and carry out prayerful intention.
Every week, many innocents are spared, including right here on Rosemont Drive. At Seneca, we understand that this is just a beginning. With your continued, year-round prayers and support, the struggling moms and their babies can more fully and richly know they are loved. They matter. God only knows the end of the story for these families. But, when you show up to pray, YOU can be the missing piece of the puzzle in the spiritual battle for LIFE.
Never doubt the importance of your physical presence at the abortion facility. You may encounter doubts and discouragement, but please know that you are never alone in this as Jesus also suffered in this way. We reflect on holy scripture in the gospel of Mathew 4:1, “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” If you experience discouragement, or are feeling defeated, come pray anyways!
Join Us for 40 Days for Life!
I beg you to join us on the frontlines. You won’t regret spending an hour in prayer at the place where Christ is most needed. Do your part between Feb. 22-April 2nd and be the hands and feet of Christ while commemorating and cementing the reversal of Roe. Let all of us, in faith, come together in a common and Godly purpose: Make abortion unthinkable! With God’s grace, through divine providence, that blessed day is possible. Please help make the way.