First Fruits Friday - Overcoming Doubt

The father at once cried out, “I do have faith, but not enough. Help me have more!” - Mark 9:24

Spirituality is part of the holistic Case Management model that we use at Seneca, Choices for Life.

Some of our clients have never met Jesus. We share the Good News of the Gospel with our clients in many ways. It always begins with meeting them where they are and modeling Christ for them. Clients are poured into by our Client Advocates, Case Manager, and their Seneca Sisters with testimonies, prayer, and scripture. We also partner with churches to bring the Word of Life to these moms and help them build a wider community. 

Though this is a process, it is a blessing to see the growth of faith in a client. 

One client recently shared about how her faith is growing:

"I have been working on my spiritual relationship with God. I am living in Truth now. God will make a way. I know who HE is and who I am. I will not doubt. I feel electrified. It is overwhelming. I feel the Holy Spirit. He won't let bad things happen to me. Doors are opening. I know that our God is a merciful God.

I now have a knowing...the more that I surrender to HIM, I feel like the peace came in my soul. It was hard to let go. I was worried about every single little thing before.

Now I work in belief. I choose to believe in You. I am now walking in faith. God manifests himself in the blessings.

Even my kids notice the difference. I have been working on myself. My kids are acting fine. I had to learn how to love myself. I now say ‘no’ to unhealthy relationships. It hurt my heart, but I had to let them go. I was giving more to those relationships than I was to God.

I just need prayers for strength."

This kind of life changing spiritual growth is made possible by introducing clients to a church home where they are welcomed, known, and loved. One way we facilitate this is by enlisting volunteers as Church Liaisons to accompany clients to church for the first time and make the experience less intimidating. The Church Liaison introduces Seneca clients to their home church and leads them into church programs that will help the client grow spiritually.

If you are interested in becoming a church liaison for our clients and introducing them to your church, please contact Karen at

Christopher Snipes