First Fruits Friday - Miracle Worker


To fulfill the mission to make abortion unthinkable, we have to focus on giving mom and dad our loving and listening ears of Christ. There are some who take the position of anti-abortion and declare that women should be criminalized for having abortions. Is that what Jesus would do? We have encountered much spiritual warfare at Seneca in 2020, but we say- We rebuke you Satan, only the love of Christ Jesus will fill the land at Seneca! Pray with us, our team, our clients, and especially this sweet family that you will get to briefly meet today. We are so honored mom has allowed us into her life, that she trusts us enough to share her heart and her story with us at Seneca.

Just as our clients need Jesus, so do each and every one of us! Jesus came to save the imperfect, that would be each and every one of us. He is our purpose for sidewalk advocacy, for client advocacy, for case management, and for healing. He is the reason that our donors give their time, treasure, and talent. He is the reason for this miracle baby! With no further addue (sp?) listen to this miracle story!

They call her a miracle baby. Born at 36 weeks due to Mom having some medical issues, this bundle of joy is one of God's beloved and was saved from abortion during the summer of 2020. Mom was actually referred to us from a local church and by one of our previous clients, who was also a save from the abortion clinic. One save = two babies alive today because of your prayers, time, and treasure. At Seneca you can rest assured that your donations go directly to saving babies like this miracle!!

When she was first pregnant ,the Mom was struggling with finances and a living situation that was tenuous. She said, "I am not in the position to bring a baby into the world. I am stressed out, nervous, scared and tired." The father was scared to and was abortion minded. This is common among almost every mom we encounter on the sidewalk who has an abortion appointment next door.

That is until the ultrasound and case management. Ultrasound is one benefit that some pregnancy centers have. This was a game changer for this young family. The Dad became excited at the Ultrasound and he became very involved in the pregnancy allowing the mom to feel supported.

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Spiritually, these folks need prayers. Little Raelynn needs prayers so that her ears keep developing and for full hearing capabilities. The Dad needs prayers for strong Christian men to enter his life. He believes in God but has never been to church. Mama needs encouragement to return to school so that she can fulfill her dream of working in the social services field. As you pray through Our Lords life, death, and resurrection this Holy Week, please pray for this family. They are in need of many miracles. But because of your support for a peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding ministry, this precious child has life!

From scared to overjoyed. That is why Christ is the miracle worker. It is fitting on this Easter weekend to celebrate how we can all be born again in HIM.

If you have a burning desire to give back your gifts and talents in the medical field as a Registered Nurse or Sonographer or know someone who wants to serve, please know we need YOU!! At Seneca we are experiencing a gap in Ultrasound service now and desperately need more boots on the ground. Our goal is to allow every mom with an abortion appointment to see her baby and empower her to choose life!! We are in desperate need of your prayers to fill this gap on Saturday’s from 7:30-11:30am. Please email to begin the process to become a Seneca volunteer!! You won’t regret this decision to serve!!

Christopher Snipes