First Fruits Friday - It's the Situation

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Recently, a young mother called Seneca desperate to get a pregnancy test and ultrasound. She was determined to get an abortion. 

One of the questions we often ask in these moments is: "Is it the baby or the situation?" In almost all cases, it is the situation. This particular situation had to do with infidelity:

"If this child is not my husband's, he will not accept it. I must get an abortion. I don't believe in abortion, but if I have this baby, it will destroy my family and my life."

Even though this client was determined to have an abortion, she really did not want to. An impulsive decision ended up causing a true life crisis for this young woman: and for her baby, the crisis is literally between life and death. Our Case Manager offered her encouragement and life giving resources. We are not here to judge but to love.

This story is not unusual. We all have made choices that have not been the wisest.  But as our founder Kelly Tomlan says, “life is never a mistake.”  We know that God still has a plan for the “unplanned”. We have all seen it in our own lives. We know that His plans are to prosper and not harm. We know that He has a plan for this client and her baby. 

Unfortunately, attempts to reconnect with this young mom were not successful. Based on the pregnancy test and ultrasound, we can only pray for this client and her family, and that no matter who the father is of this child, the client will have the support and strength she needs to choose life. 

Please pray for this young mom. Please pray for her decision about the baby, her healing, her marriage and her future. Pray that Christ speaks His plans for Hope and a future to her in this seemingly impossible moment. She needs us now more than ever.

Christopher Snipes