First Fruits Friday - New Beginnings

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"No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their vindication is from Me," declares the LORD.” Isaiah 54:17

The new year is an opportunity for new beginnings. Recently we heard from a previous Seneca Client. She was considering abortion when we first met her. Through the Seneca ultrasound that she received and speaking with our Case Manager, this mother chose LIFE. She was actually giddy and excited by the time she left Seneca that day.  She was in a good place, even though the father of the baby did not want to be a part of her life any longer.

About a month later, our Case Manager received a call from the client. Unfortunately, this Mom had suffered a miscarriage. She had this to say:

"I am single now and focusing on me. I am eating better. One of my children gave her life to God and is in counseling now. I decided to share my testimony with others. Looking back on the romantic relationship - the red flags were there. It is up to us to obey or not and we have to deal with the consequences. I disconnected from close friends and family members for a while after the miscarriage. Part of me wanted to feel bad and part of me felt relief about it all. I had to stop people from draining me emotionally. Now I am in a season of self-care. Self care is an act of worship to God.

Now, I have set boundaries. 

After the miscarriage, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I realized that my children were not acting right, my finances were not right. I talked to God and said, "If you are there, say something. I can't do this no more. I even considered suicide. I can't take it anymore." God responded with "You have been running, I have been waiting for you." I surrendered my life to God - again. I remember from the Bible that "No weapons formed against you will prosper."

The client went on to say 

“One mustard seed was given to me; the size of this seed is all that I needed. I stopped listening to worldly music, no TV - only Christian music. I kept on waking up at 3, so I asked God, "What do you want to tell me?"

I did not hear an answer, but more a nudge telling me that my ministry is to open up a non-profit for single mothers. I am beginning with a YouTube channel to reach this audience. I wasn't sure where to start, but one day I was sitting on my couch, and God gave me the word, “Seneca”. So I called you to share what he has done in my life."

This year in our client support group, ‘Made Whole’, this client will share her testimony in order to encourage others to ask, "God, what do you want to tell me?" What a blessing it is to witness God transforming lives. Each day, and each year, He gives us a chance for new beginnings. 

What is God telling YOU?

Could God be telling YOU to join Seneca’s first ever Spring 40 Days for Life event? If so, please sign up and join February 17, 2021 - March 28, 2021. This is an outdoor Vigil, and all Covid-19 precautions will be in place.

Christopher Snipes