First Fruits Friday - Blessed Mistakes

Each week we have amazing stories about miracles on the sidewalk during an abortion day.  This week, Sidewalk Manager Noemi shares a story about a mother who chose life!

A couple weeks ago while working on the sidewalk I encountered a mother who was post- abortive. She confided she had a previous abortion due to medical concerns.

This mother said ever since she booked her abortion appointment she had been thinking about the decision to have another abortion. She told me she believed in God and she knew it is not right to have an abortion. She had been asking God to give her a sign for her not to have the abortion. She said that when she got to her appointment she saw the medical mobile unit staff member at the driveway trying to talk to her from far away and she immediately felt that it was God trying to tell her not to go into the abortion facility. 

Then, while she was sitting in her car she looked at the sign of Seneca that said, "Pregnant?  you're not alone.” She did not speak English, so she had to translate it on her phone. She said, "That's another sign from God.”

Later on, when she was waiting on the porch to go into the clinic, I approached her and talked to her in Spanish. She felt like that was also God because there was someone there that she could talk to. This mother said she felt badly while I was talking to her on the porch because she felt she wanted to talk to me but she had the obligation to go to her appointment since she was already there.

After I spoke with her, she went to her abortion appointment. 

Amazingly, she came out later with a referral in her hand!  I asked her if she was too far along and she said, “Yes.”  I explained about Seneca and the Mobile Clinic and offered our services. She accepted my invitation since she was told that she was already 6 weeks and 1 day along.

.The result was stunning: The mobile clinic nurse did her ultrasound and our prospective client was 5.2 weeks and there was no visible baby!  The abortion mill had miraculously made a serious error which resulted in the baby being saved.  Thanks be to God!

The patient couldn't believe that the abortion facility turned her away and that there was no visible baby in the sac. She said she believed that God was trying to tell her she shouldn't have the abortion. I escorted her to Seneca to meet with our Case Manager and begin the process of discerning her needs. 

This Mother left happy and chose life!