First Fruits Friday - Wounded People Wound People

Do you know the old adages “Wounded people wound people” and “Healed people heal people?” That phrase is so prevalent in the ministry of Seneca with our proximity to the evil of abortion. We witness so much self-destruction and hurt by abortion that our compassion grows each time we allow the grace of God to penetrate our hearts for those wounded people.

We are no different. We all sin and we are all wounded. The difference is what we do with that sin and how our intention affects our behavior. The woundedness of our own sin, when not repented or not reconciled with God through seeking intentional forgiveness, can lead to a path of self-destruction. In the most recent weeks at Seneca, we are witnessing this woundedness in the well-intentioned “Clinic Escorts” that have been showing up next door to do their own version of sidewalk outreach to mothers who are arriving for their abortion appointments. 

These escorts truly believe they are helping these women. They are blinded by their wounds. One of the arguments we have heard from the escorts is, ”If she cannot feed the children she already has, how’s she going to feed another mouth?” We share that concern. Our solution: Free case management and goal setting. Our concern for these women is the same. We want them to be able to feed their children (all their children - born and unborn).  We want their success, their dignity, their knowing their value and worth. But truly, we want even more than that. 

When we meet them, many of the mothers are barely surviving. But, after two years of wrap-around support care in Case Management, they move from surviving, to thriving.  How can this be done? Being intentional. Setting goals, holding the women accountable, giving them a safety net if they fall, and helping them land back on their feet so they can become the best version of themselves: Moving from self-destructive decisions, to decisions that are life-giving.

What is the difference between the Pro-Life Outreach and the Pro-Abortion Outreach? Intention. The intention for Pro-Life outreach is to love them both (mother and baby). The intention for Pro-Abortion outreach is to help the woman become “unpregnant,” i.e., killing the baby so the mother can survive.

The difference is that we want them to know their worth in the eyes of God because that is eternal worth! Our solution does not involve killing. You see, in abortion there are two victims, the first is the innocent baby that is killed by the intentional act of abortion. The second is the soul of the woman who is taking the life of her own child.  The big question is how do we as a culture move from the mindset that “abortion is healthcare” to abortion is killing of an innocent life and self-destructive to the mother? Therefore, the solution to an unplanned pregnancy can never be abortion, but instead loving and helping the mother so that she can make life-giving decisions.  

You can become part of the solution by volunteering or donating your time, talent, and treasure to Seneca. Come out and pray during this Christmas season to pray for the unborn. You can be part of the solution!

Amber Snipes