First Fruits Friday - What is your Lifemark?

What is your lifemark?

We are excited to share about a new film released by the Kendrick Brothers called Lifemark

This movie, based on real events, is  about adoption and the battlefield of abortion.

We were privileged to help consult for the making of this movie. Some of the filming was done in Columbus, GA. The lead actress, and a few of the fellow co-stars, came out to Seneca to pray and observe our Sidewalk Advocacy team on an abortion day. On the day they came, babies were SAVED.  The power of prayer! 

As the movie follows one young man’s journey,  he comes to understand that love comes in many forms and from many different angles. He was “given up” for adoption. But was he “given up” at all? 

Given up or placed in a loving family? Adoptive parents see the baby as a gift, a do the parents who chose life. Yet some biological parents are simply not in the stage of life to care for a child. With adoption as an option, young families do not have to choose death for their child. Currently, there are over 8,000 couples in Georgia waiting to be adoptive parents. What a blessing a baby is to them!

Adoption is never easy, but it is a life giving option that offers compassion to all involved.

You will see in this movie by the Kendrick Brothers, that compassion is the overall theme. Compassion can be a difficult thing to give when we hold onto grudges. Yet our Prince of Peace demonstrated compassion, especially with those who have lost their turned away from God. We are called to forgive, to be kind. Every one of us is flawsome. God just sees the awesome!

We hope that you will pass the word around about this movie. It will make you laugh and cry and it is just real - not Hollywoodish. It shows the complexity and simplicity of love and the decisions we must make to walk with the Lord. The decision of parents who choose adoption give life to not just the baby, but to the adoptive parents, grandparents, friends and even to themselves.

At Seneca, we have had some clients choose of the most courageous acts of parenthood. Imagine a world without someone you know who has been adopted. What would it look like?

This week Seneca started our “Now More Than Ever” campaign. You can help us make abortion unthinkable. Your monthly support can assist a woman choose life, and maybe adoption is the answer she’s looking for. Please prayerfully consider a $83.33/month supporter.

Christopher Snipes