To: All Seneca Employees and Volunteers
From: Amber Snipes, Executive Director
Date: July 16, 2020
Re: COVID19 Response Guidelines
Under the guidance of our Medical Director, Dr. Curtis Clark, and recent increase in confirmed COVID19 cases, it is my duty to direct the ministry in the safest way possible.
Please note the following expectations and respond in the affirmative that you agree to abide by these guidelines.
Employee and Volunteer Expectations:
Take daily temperature before reporting for duty.
If temperature is above 100.1 - employee is to notify supervisor immediately and stay home.
If experiencing symptoms of COVID19, the employee/volunteer is to stay home for at least one week and proceed with COVID19 testing.
Follow COVID19 Procedures while inside Seneca for social distancing of 6ft. apart and preventative care such as hand washing, cleaning surfaces, etc.
Avoid sharing phones and work items as much as possible.
If an employee/volunteer has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID19 the employee should work from home and monitor symptoms for one week. Employee/volunteer is to notify the supervisor immediately of the close contact.
Close Contact is defined by: “within 6ft. Of a person for 15min or more of a person who has tested positive for COVID19.”
While employees and volunteers are inside the building of Seneca they are required to wear masks in shared spaces.
While employees and volunteers are on-site but outside the building of Seneca for the purpose of Sidewalk Advocacy, employees and volunteers are required to have a mask, but only wear the mask when they are within 6feet of another person.
Restroom use on Saturday’s is only for Seneca clients, volunteers, and staff. Support persons for clients will not be allowed inside the building, they can be directed to another business to use the restroom.
Limiting the number of persons within the building of Seneca to 10-15persons at one time.